The U.S. is 35 Trillion in Debt!

Good Evening 🇺🇸,

No I did not forget to send the newsletter this morning. My goal has been to deliver what is going on in the U.S. in a simple and easy way. So I have decided that I will be sending this out nightly now with the major news of the day in bullet form for those who want to keep up with what is going on but do not want to read extensive articles on it. I will also be including bonus articles that I found interesting that day if you want to explore those as well!

What Happened Today?

-The United States National Debt has reached 35 Trillion dollars

-President Biden has called for Supreme Court reform, which would include term limits, ethics rules, and limit immunity for presidents

-A higher percentage of American approve of Biden dropping out (87%) than believe in God (81%), per NYT poll

-Trump says at Bitcoin conference he wants to make America the “crypto capital of the planet”

-Plus Why A Return The Gold Standard is the Answer

It is no secret that Americans have been struggling due to the rising costs of goods and services. Governments were once under a gold standard in which money was tied to gold. This kept governments in check as they essentially could only spend what they brought in in taxes. Upon abandoning this standard it has enabled government to print and spend money on any program or war they want. This has lead to a significant decrease in purchasing power for Americans and inflation that has squeezed the middle class. The great economist Ludvig von Mises said in his book The Causes of the Economic Crisis “Just as the sound money policy of gold standard advocates went hand in hand with liberalism, free trade, capitalism, and peace, so is inflationism part and parcel of imperialism, militarism, protectionism, statism and socialism”. in that quote inflationism is referring to the current system we have in the U.S. today. We the people should seek to return to a gold standard in order to get out of our current mess. For More Check Out the FEE article below!

Quote of the Day: “We meet in an hour of change and challenge, in a decade of hope and fear, in an age of both knowledge and ignorance” -John F. Kennedy

Have a great night!