U.S. Deploys Troops

Good Evening 🇺🇸,

What happened today,

  • The U.S. will send anti-missile system and 100 troops to Israel

  • Armed man, Vem Miller, was arrested outside the Trump Coachella rally, the man has denied he was attempting an assassination

  • An “armed militia” in North Carolina has forced out FEMA workers and an armed man has even been arrested for threatening FEMA workers

  • Trump pledges to hire 10,000 more border patrol agents and increase their pay

  • Harris will do a sit down interview with Fox News and will air Wednesday at 6pm

  • DOW up 201.36 points / S&P up 44.82 points

  • New Jersey transit operator dies and 23 injured as train hits tree today

  • Lilly Ledbetter, famous women’s rights activist, dies at age 86

  • Hezbollah drone kills 4 and injures 61 at Israeli base

Plus: A wild chart showing what has happened in schools since the year 2000…safe to say there is no need for more administrative staff

Quote of the day: "Commerce with all nations, alliance with none, should be our motto." - Thomas Jefferson

Have a great night!

P.S. Email me at [email protected] for more info on any news points in the letter!