New York Times Strike

Good Evening 🇺🇸,

What happened today,

  • The New York Times tech union goes on strike today, over 600 workers will stop working only a day before the election. On top of increased pay, more time off, and better healthcare coverage their other demands are below

  • Election day is tomorrow get out and vote 🗳️

  • As of today almost 80 million Americans have already voted by either early voting or mail-in ballot

  • NBC gives Trump’s campaign free air time in response to Harris’s SNL appearance, because Harris appeared on SNL for 1 minute and 30 seconds NBC needed to give Trump that amount of airtime in order to not violate the FCC equal time rule

  • Oklahoma experiences damage to buildings and more than 11 people injured after severe tornadoes hit

  • Musk’s lawyer tells a Philadelphia judge that the 1 million dollar sweepstakes winners are not chosen by chance, the judge ended up ruling the giveaway could proceed

  • Former Ohio cop, Adam Coy, found guilty of murder in a 2020 shooting

  • CNBC reported that the age of average homebuyers has jumped to 56

  • DOW down 257.59 points /S&P down 16.11 points

  • The trial of eight people in Paris on terrorism charges started today over the beheading of teacher Samuel Paty, who was killed by Islamic extremists

Plus: The voter turnout rate per state for the 2020 Presidential election…what will these numbers look like in 2024?

Please follow The Simple American on X/Twitter @TSimpleAmerican

Quote of the day: "My mama always said, life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." -Forrest Gump

Have a great night!

P.S. Email us at [email protected] for more info on any news points in the letter or feel free to give any feedback you have!